Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil On Body, Mind, Hair and Skin

10 Aug, 2021 - Commercial

Lavender oil is a botanical that comes from the mint family and is regarded as one of the most versatile herbal oils. It’s known for its calming, relaxing, and therapeutic properties. Its scientific name is Lavandula angustifolia, hence, it has a very strong and floral scent. It is also a mood lifter, extracted through steam distillation from the flowers of the lavender herb.

The essential oil is extremely versatile. However, it is important to note that it is toxic and should not be taken orally. It is also recognized for its anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial qualities, making it one of the natural therapies for insomnia. In addition, it is widely regarded as one of the most effective treatments for migraine headaches and nerve symptoms. Adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to your bathtub is highly recommended and vital for improving your mental well-being and blood circulation. 

Well, you might like to take notes while you read about all the uses and advantages of lavender essential oil for your skin, hair, and body.


Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

Promotes hair growth

Lavender Essential Oil promotes hair growth and protects against a variety of hair illnesses. It is incredibly good for lifeless hair and reviving dullness. It is effective for treating hair loss and stimulating hair development. The use of lavender essential oil on a regular basis will improve the texture of your hair, encourage hair growth, and even add gloss. The oil contains antibacterial and antimicrobial that improves the hair follicles and even improves scalp health.

Reduces Acne & Acne Marks

Lavender Essential Oil not only kills bacteria on the surface of the skin but also heals acne scars and breakouts. Pimples and acne are caused not only by clogged pores but also by hormonal imbalances in the body. Lavender Essential Oil is a natural stress reliever that helps to maintain healthy hormone balances in the body while also eliminating pollutants. It possesses anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, which help to fight bacteria that cause acne and pimples.

P.S. Lavender essential oil should not be applied directly to the skin; instead, dilute it with coconut oil for greater results.

Relieves Fatigue And Anxiety

Every person on this earth faces challenges and stress on a daily basis. But how frequently do we use aromatherapy to calm our minds and bodies? Aromatherapy has been shown to effectively address depression and anxiety. Thus a small amount of Lavender Essential Oil can be used for relaxation. The essential oil helps to relax and soothe your senses while also providing a sense of ease and relaxation in your body. Allowing you to sleep in a serene environment. Essential oils can help you relax and even improve your sleep cycle while alleviating insomnia symptoms.

Reduce Signs Of Ageing

Every drop of Lavender Oil, which is high in antioxidants, inhibits free radicals from harming your skin and causing premature aging. We are frequently exposed to environmental variables such as pollution, UVA rays, and dust on a daily basis, which causes our skin to become dull. And the antioxidants in Lavender essential oil battle all of these problems, restoring your skin’s health. To avoid burning your skin, combine the oil with coconut oil before applying it to the wrinkle region.

Wound Healing Properties 

If you have a burn, cut, scrape, or another wound, lavender oil may help speed up the wound-healing process. To use lavender oil on small wounds, mix three or four drops of lavender oil together with a few drops of coconut or tamanu oil. Apply the mixture to your wound with a cotton ball. If your wound has already healed, lavender oil can reduce remaining scars as well.


The way you utilize lavender oil depends on the problem you’re trying to solve. To make a lotion, apply it to your skin with or without a carrier oil. If you’re applying it to a damaged area of your skin, a cotton ball is frequently preferable to your fingertips because it’s cleaner. You can use your hands to apply the oil straight to wrinkles and dry skin.

Lavender oil can either be taken as a tablet or vaporizer for aromatherapy. While lavender oil is generally safe, it might cause irritation in some people. If you notice any bad side effects, you should stop using the oil.